Hey gorgeous girls,
Today, I want to share some thoughts on how we can create healthier habits. This week I have heard the girlies talk a lot about skin care, hormonal spots and pre period hormones! Have you ever just felt BLURGH?! Looked in the mirror and pointed out your spots, skin feeling awful or ever decided you felt bloated and gross?! Then realised you were just coming on your period? It’s like we are on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth, and taking control of our healthier habits is becoming more and more important for our overall mental well-being. For you girls that are Gen-Z (born between 1997-2012), the understanding around mental health and wellbeing and the lived experiences that many of you feel able to share.. is inspiring to see!
What are the top 4 tips I would say that make a top tier health routine?
Something that soo many people struggle with. If I had a penny for how many times my young girls said ‘didn’t go to sleep until 4am’. I would be a millionaire and it would be rich girlllll $eason. I will echo this EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. Getting a good amount of sleep is like the secret sauce of a healthy lifestyle. If you can get 8 hours of sleep a night, you would literally be on a hot girl sleeping pattern. Your moods would improve and your beautiful, growing brain would be able to function more. I’ve been trying to stick to a consistent sleep schedule, aiming for 7-9 hours each night. An extra tip is: create a calming bedtime routine—no more scrolling through your phone in the dark girl! But, I would suggest putting (pink noise on YouTube) It works wonders when trying to go to sleep. (ps: It’s all about maintaining a comfortable sleep environment to get those Zs).
2. Create a balanced food diet
When I say food diet, I do not mean tons of chocolate, fizzy pop and vape pens! No, I literally mean having a balanced relationship with your food. Try adding a mixture of fruits, veggies, meat, potatoes, rice and lots of water into your diet! Hydration is a game-changer.. have you ever had a bad headache and thought to yourself ‘I’m not drinking enough water’. I used to HATE water when I was younger.. It wasn’t until I was about 21 that I could even bare to drink it. If you struggle with drinking water, flavoured water is the next best thing. A colourful diet, is best – but I get it, healthy eating isn’t always cheap! It’s more about having a balanced diet. You can eat what you want girl. But to improve moods, adding more healthier things into our food diet, can help!
3. Go outside and explore nature (soft girl lifeee)
Nature is free! And it is one of the greatest tools and things we can use to help with our mental wellbeing. Walking in parks, finding different places to walk; even walking around a city centre and looking up at the top of buildings. We see all this soft girl hype on TikTok and Instagram, but what actually is it? Soft girl life is allowing a person to live softer, without having to constantly have our guards up. Life can be hard, and our emotions can be even harder to cope with at times – anxiety can often take over and often we have days where we are tired (whether that’s because a lack of sleep or not!) or you are suffering from insomnia or you are simply mentally tired, when we have those days – that’s when we have to try our hardest to push through, and what better way than to push through in nature? Don’t let this just be a blog post, let this be a space of inspiration and motivation.
4. Mindfulness (be a calm babe!)
We talk about hygiene and I am sure in school, a teachers talked about hygiene.. but spiritual hygiene is also just as important. Taking some time out for yourself, Life gets a bit crazy, right? That’s where mindfulness comes in. What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is being present in the current moment and becoming aware of it. Aware of our thoughts, feelings and surroundings in that moment. Have you ever heard of or tried meditation? That is classed as a mindfulness exercise. If you take 3 deep breaths in and out, that is also a mindfulness exercise and it’s allowing us for a short moment to focus on ourselves (yes, something as simple as breathing!). If you head over to the hand exercise, that is a great mindfulness activity to get you started. Mindfulness can also be writing your thoughts down in the notes page on your phone, this is called journaling – it’s like pouring your thoughts onto paper and freeing up some mental space. I’ve been trying out meditation and deep breathing. Journaling helps too—it’s like pouring my thoughts onto paper and freeing up some mental space. You deserve to GIVE YOURSELF that space and vulnerability.