Girl, before we get INTO IT. I want you to watch the video below to add some contact to today’s blog. We CANNOT afford to be bothered about people’s opinions when we are ‘playing around’ and chasing our dreams. For example: social media is a huge platform now, and whilst it has it’s extremely negative parts to it, it also has some incredible opportunities to build, make money, create a portfolio and literally grow a career online. I think that is pretty fantastic!
Why not focus on the positives? For years, I pondered over the idea of building an online presence. It took me 8 years.. 9 years to take blogging seriously and create this blog. That’s 8 years of stagnation and questioning my won creativity, passions and ability. I love writing and I love inspiring, now it feels like a no brainer, but often – when you have come from a place of worrying about the opinions of sheep, when there is a whole other world out there, that is what happens! You begin to question yourself and ponder on ‘will people laugh at it’, ‘what if people share it’.. so what if people laugh at it, and so what if people find it ‘cringey’, or gossip about it.. do they have your goals? In five years time, will the opinions of them matter? What if, your social media grows beyond your imagination? What if you do really well at it, or what if it makes you happy? That’s the most important thing right?
My therapist once said to me ‘you are just playing around, figuring it out’ and those words have never resonated so much, then this current day. That is exactly what I am doing, what are you doing? Are you hiding and fantasising about what you wish you had the courage to do? Or, are you just taking that leap? You are not the person you was a year ago, you are the person you are today and we need to hold space for that. So what, if you did something in the past and people judged it, so what if you don’t like your voice, or if you feel like you need to look a certain weight or reach a certain weight target before you start.. If you always make excuses, you will never start baby, and that is the truth. Once you put one foot in front of the other, and you celebrate the courage and consistency of YOU showing up for YOU, you will feel so proud of yourself and that alone will motivate you. There is something so exciting and powerful, about starting to work on your ACTUAL dreams. Not the dreams, that you have just fallen into (because plan a didn’t work out!) but your actual dreams, that you just didn’t know if they would happen or will happen. We are the leaders of our own future, we are all the bosses & managers of where we go next. We will never be younger than we are today and if you are under 25 reading this, oh my goodness me – you have the WHOLE world at your feet. I don’t care if you have the financial funds or you don’t.. there is a wealth of opportunities out there, if you just believe in yourself! Whilst it’s all well and good me saying this to you, it can also be really difficult to have the courage to find those opportunities and sometimes we do just need that little push and nudge, often people see our greatness in us before we see it in us and that too is okay, but I urge you to just start today in thinking about what it is you’re fearful of when posting on social media? If social media is something you want to do? Or, what is the blocker for you setting up your own project, applying for that course/job? What relationship have you had with people in your community when you was younger? Were rumours spread around about you? Was nude images/videos leaked? Did people gossip about you? Have you been with somebody that has slept with loads of people, and you are worried that all those people are going to laugh at/judge you? Are you worried about what your family thinks? Or is it literally, that you’re overthinking your whole life and you are stopping yourself? The reason why I say all of those things is, they can have a big impact on what we do next and how we do it. There could be 101 other reasons. I know this, because I HAVE BEEN THERE. But, If I could give one piece of advice, it would echo this.. everything you are worrying about, can be resolved and if it can’t, it can be supported. You are far too precious to play small. Play big, you are a big deal! Even if you don’t feel like you are, sis, you are. If you need guidance around this and would like some guidance, email me on :